Sentinels of Seasons Past

Jim Afroukhteh

Delve into the mysterious beauty of autumn with "Sentinels of Seasons Past". This vertically oriented artwork captures the haunting elegance of four distinct, skeletal trees standing tall against the backdrop of time. Each tree, devoid of its once-lush foliage, bears the starkness of the fall in its naked branches, suggesting stories of seasons gone by.

The painting's green and yellow color scheme exudes an atmosphere that's both calming and eerie. The muted greens hint at the life that once was, while the golden yellows allude to the passage of time and the fleeting nature of each season. Together, they paint a scene that's awash with melancholy, reflection, and the quiet beauty of nature in transition. While the trees are stark and bare, their very presence evokes feelings of resilience and endurance.

They stand as timeless witnesses, having seen countless autumns come and go, and yet remaining rooted and steadfast. "Sentinels of Seasons Past" is more than just a portrayal of fall; it's an exploration of change, of endings, and of the silent strength that permeates nature. It invites viewers to pause, reflect, and find solace in the cyclical dance of life and decay.

Options Available Upon Request
$ 1,600 USD
Oil Painting
Size Details
Painting Size
36in x 48in x .5in

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